Saturday, August 30, 2014

My favourite happy snaps

Dear Matthew

I'm a little but obsessed with taking photos of you :) Maybe you're lucky you're our first baby, but generally I think it's just because I can't get enough of you and your gorgeous smile, so I snap away frantically trying to capture every special (to me anyway) moment. 

Here's a few from the last month. You will never be able to complain that there were never enough photos of you!! I love you my gorgeous, crazy baby. 


Mum xxx

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Upper lip tie

Dear Matthew

When you were born, your dad and I both noticed that your tongue was tied, so when you were a couple of days old your paediatrician cut it (you didn't even cry so I doubt it hurt). 

However he never mentioned your upper lip tie. I must admit I noticed something small there but as you are my first baby and I wasn't sure what was normal (and you have always breasted well), I didn't question what I saw. 

However as you grew it became more obvious. Then recently I read that upper lip ties can affect speech, and given you are learning to talk I decided to show your dad your upper lip tie, to get a second opinion on what was there. He confirmed he thought you had one (you do) and so I freaked out and booked you into the best paediatric dentist in Perth to be assessed. 

The dentist confirmed that you do in fact have an upper lip tie however given your age, he did not recommend you have a laser frenectomy (where you are conscious but restrained and the tie is lasered) as you are too big and will thrash about (which could both traumatise you so you never want to go to a dentist again and potentially do damage to your currently hidden adult teeth). 

The only safe option, should we want to have it cut, would be to put you under general anaesthesia. We have decided against that because:

1. Even if you have it cut there is no guarantee you will breast feed better as your mouth muscles are so used to latching on the way they do (and you're a good breast feeder anyway)

2. The position of the tie will not contribute to cavities or speech problems (contrary to popular belief)

3. You will have a gap between your baby teeth but that doesn't mean you'll have a gap between your adult teeth as they're much bigger and will take up more space in your mouth 

4. You can have it lasered when you begin orthodontic treatment around age ten, when you can consciously sit still in the dentists chair so the lasering is completed accurately

5. There are always risks to putting a small child under general anaesthesia. 

I hope we have made the right decision. I'm sorry you will have to put up with it until you're older but it isn't hurting you so we figure if it ain't broke don't fix it. We do our best baby boy. I have been quite upset about it as its the reason you're a poor sleeper (as you don't form a complete seal when breast feeding, meaning you suck in lots of air, which gives you a gassy tummy, leading you to wake, on average, ten times a night). We have been given the heads up that its genetic so we can help your future sibling/s but I'm sorry you will have to put up with it for now. The mummy guilt never ends, I promise. 


Mum xxx

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Look at you go!

Dear Matthew

It's amazing how almost a whole month can go by without me writing to you. 

This month in particular has been busy in more ways that one! While we have been busy attending gymbakids, sign language classes, swimming lessons and catching up with your friends, YOU have been busy acquiring an abundance of new skills!

Since returning from Melbourne, you have learnt to;

1. Crawl on all fours

2. Pull to standing

3. Stand unassisted (sometimes)

4. Cruise along furniture

5. Say a ton of words clearly and often- dad, mum, duck, da (for Soda), pop (when popping-explanation to come) and many more that you're practising (I think you're saying ba for boobie milk but am not sure yet)

6. You're communicating better, such as by pointing, moving your body where you want to go and putting your arm down my top when you want a feed

7. You're imitating people, especially gramps. He does this thing where he puts his finger in his mouth against his inner cheek, closes his lips over it and then pulls it out to make a 'popping sound'. You copy him exactly the way he does it and even make the popping sound (see facebook for the video). You also mimic the clicking noise gramps makes. 

You have really become a lot of fun (not that you weren't before, but the more we can communicate with each other and the more you can move freely, the less frustrated we both are!). 

So happy to not have gone back to work yet as originally planned and have been able to see all of your amazing accomplishments!


Mum xxx