Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie
On your birthday weekend Matt we also celebrated your First Reconciliation. You have been preparing for this over the past few months at school. We went down to the Church as a family, took some photos as you'll see below and then headed on in. Luckily (unluckily?) Josie was not so happy being in the Church and your vice-principal noticed me trying to keep her quiet with lollies, so she managed to get you into the priest almost straight away Matt. So we were in and out in like fifteen minutes! We then went and had some more photos with your lovely teacher and got your certificate. We then headed home to continue celebrating your birthday! It was lovely that your first sacrament that you've done other than when you were a baby went to smoothly.
Before you went into the session I asked you what you were going to ask forgiveness for you and you said something about swearing and lying, but I don't see you doing this much at all and am so proud of the person you are becoming.
Love you all,
Mum xxx