Thursday, December 12, 2013

Your first Christmas traditions

Dear Matthew

Last week we had your Grandma, Gramps, aunty Robyn and uncle Andrew over to put up our Christmas tree. Incidentally it was only 2 days away from Grandma and Gramps 30th wedding anniversary, so we had a small dinner to celebrate (a communication breakdown meant dinner was roast and Chinese noodle salad, but it all tasted yum!). 

While putting up the tree we watched National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, which is tradition in the Constable household. You will know all the words to this movie soon enough! It is well loved by everyone on my side of the family and is often quoted at family functions or on the family's Facebook group. 

I have also decided to start a tradition for you where each year you are given/choose a Christmas decoration which is specifically yours. When your sibling comes along, he or she will do the same. Once you both move out, you will have 18+ decorations to take with you for your own tree. I'm looking forward to sharing this tradition with you as you get older. 

I can't wait till you're a few years older and you know what's going on at Christmas, as its the joy experienced by children that puts the magic into Christmas. 


Mum xxx

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