Thursday, November 20, 2014

Your fourth fever and a 000 call

Dear Matthew

Nothing is more difficult for your dad and I than seeing you sick or in pain. Whilst we are getting better at managing your symptoms and have accepted that babies/kids generally are sick every second week, it's still not nice.

Recently you've had a couple of fevers (one as a reaction to the measles, mumps, ruebella vaccine you had at around 12 months, which was expected) and unlike your first two fevers, we didn't freak out, didn't call multiple after hours doctors, just settled in with bulk baby panadol and nurofen and waited for it to pass. Luckily both times the fevers only lasted about 48 hours (although that meant each time you slept on me for at least two nights, and I woke up with a stiff back and neck from having a 12kg weight on me all night!). 

We also had an incident about two weeks ago where I was in the shower and you fell over in the bathroom, splitting your lip. I didn't see you fall and all of a sudden you were screaming with blood pouring out of your mouth. I freaked out as I was alone, naked and you wouldn't let me see what had actually happened, so I called an ambulance. Nothing like screaming your address down a phone while simultaneously trying to calm a baby in agony!

Luckily the ambulance arrived quickly and confirmed you still had all your teeth and that the bit of skin hanging off your lip would come off on its own. We still managed to make it to gymbakids later that day although I'm pretty sure some of their toys are now permanently bloodied!!

So, we're surviving together. I'm sure there will be many more illnesses, hopefully no more 000 calls (or if there are, for minor things). But we're getting better. 

Below are some photos of you from the past couple of weeks, including one where you fell asleep on me still with blood in your hair after the ambulance left. But the rest are blood-free :)

Love you beautiful boy.

Mum xxx

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