Thursday, October 20, 2016

Our weekend antics

Dear Matthew
We have been having a great time these past couple of weekends with family and friends so I thought I'd share some photos with you.
The first few are from your friend Charlotte's birthday (with the petting zoo) and your friend Oliver's dinosaur birthday. I loved it how you were trying to force the guinea pig to eat the celery to the point where you were almost poking it in the eye. You also loved riding the dinosaurs at the park where Oliver's party was held (and playing hide and seek under it). 

Just wanted to show you the strawberries we picked fresh from our garden!

And I had to share this photo of you wearing a tea towel while eating the breakfast you made yourself - a mixture of weetbix, porridge and cornflakes. Yum!

We also met your Grandad and Maree at Point Walter not too long ago and of course you ran straight to the water and rocks and thoroughly enjoyed yourself.


We have been trekking through the bush across the road from our house lately at your insistence, and I managed to snap a few cute photos of you and Soda exploring together, as well as the obligatory sitting-on-a-fallen-tree photo.

My sweet boy picked me this flower :) And lastly, just a few snaps of you and your dad at the playground. I love your resilience when you fall off the playground equipment- it not unusual for you to just get yourself back up and say 'try again mummy!'. It is music to my ears to see that you aren't defeated by problems, you keep calm and know that you just need to keep trying in order to master something. This growth-mindset is so important in life - I have learnt that it's not a good thing to call someone smart as they aren't inclined to try and better themselves at something that doesn't come naturally to them. I hope you always remember to 'try again' at things you may find challenging in life, whatever they may be.

Love you baby boy (you love it when I call you this by way, and want me to cuddle you when I say it),
Mum xxx

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