Monday, May 29, 2017

Farmer's Markets

Dear Matthew

Last Sunday we visited the Farmer's Markets at Palmyra Primary School. I have been meaning to visit for ages and we just happened to get lucky that we went on the one Sunday per month when there were plenty of kids activities available.

You went on the jumpy castle (for about a minute) and then had fun in the animal petting zoo, although your dad had to keep telling you to put down the chickens and I kept trying to explain that lambs don't enjoy being picked up by their back legs :)

Your dad and I enjoyed eating a Morrocan hotdog each while you played on the playground and we bought some delicious watermelon from one of the fruit and veggie stalls before heading home.

It was a great way to spend a beautiful autumn Sunday morning.

Love you,

Mum xxx

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Dear Matthew
Last weekend we celebrated Mother's Day. Unfortunately you had gastro a few days beforehand and I managed to pick it up on Friday night so we didn't visit your great grandmothers on the Saturday as we had originally planned (we didn't want to get them sick given their age) but on Sunday caught up in the morning with your nanna and then the evening with Ma Ma.
You made me a beautiful flower from your hands at kindy and a seashell photoframe (which was nicely wrapped up but you insisted on opening as soon as we got back to the car after leaving your classroom) and your daddy bought me some candles and a book.
We had breakfast at Point Walter to celebrate nanna with your dad's side of the family and you loved playing with your cousins (as usual) on the playground and down by the river.
In the evening Ma Ma, Gumps, Aunty Robyn and Kieran came over for dinner and we all squeezed around the table for roast. And of course Aunty Robyn made an awesome cake (see photos) so we lit candles and sung happy birthday to Ma Ma (because toddler).
Thank you making my motherhood journey such an enjoyable one baby boy.
Love you,
Mum xxx


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Trip to Elizabeth Quay

Dear Matthew
Last Saturday we had an absolutely wonderful day out being tourists in our own town. Despite being open for ages already, we decided to finally have a look at Elizabeth Quay in the city.
We parked in South Perth and took the ferry across and you enjoyed the 8 minute ride, talking all about the 'Leaning Towers of Pisa' (i.e. every building you could see on the city skyline). We landed at the quay and there was a man dressed in a fox promoting a charity, who seemed to be following us, and who definitely freaked you a bit as you kept turning around to look at where he was. We headed over to the merry go round and you loved going around on the horse with your dad, waving to me every time you went past. The look of joy on your face was priceless.
After that we enjoyed a delicious gelato before you had a play on the awesome playground near by. We then crossed the windy bridge and headed into the city to The Old Faithful for some lunch. I had never been there before and loved all their food so hopefully we'll be back again soon.
After lunch we made out way slowly back to Elizabeth Quay where you loved playing on the water playground. We eventually managed to drag you away from it and back on the ferry to South Perth.
It was such a lovely day and hopefully we can have plenty more days like this in the future.
Love you darling boy,
Mum xxx