Monday, May 8, 2017

Pregnancy differences

Dear kids

Well! It certainly feels strange writing 'kids' when it's just been Matt for so long but in less than four months that will be our new normal! I thought I'd just outline a few differences between pregnancies while my brain is still somewhat functional as I know I'll forget these later down the track.

Firstly, I've somehow managed to not put on as much weight this time. With Matt I put on 21 kg before I stopped getting on the scale as I simply didn't want to know what it said. I suspect this has something to do with the fact that I'm on thyroid medication this time (this wasn't a routine check first time around) and this could be speeding up my metabolism. Or maybe I'm too busy to eat? Or the kilos are still to come? Who knows. In any event you're growing nicely baby (right on track for size) so I'm not stressed.

Secondly, baby you kick way harder than Matt did! While Matt was definitely a lot more frequent, yours are stronger. I could feel you much earlier, before 16 weeks, and from around 20 weeks I've seen your kicks from the outsides. This freaks me out but at the same time is wonderful as it's clear you're healthy. My midwife said it may be due to placenta placement too.

Thirdly, I forget I'm pregnant. Often. With Matt the thought of pregnancy consumed me from the moment I woke up to the moment I fell asleep. This time I'm too busy with life to really realise what's happening, apart from when I get slugged in the guts or clothes stop fitting.

Fourthly, I suffered worse morning sickness with baby than with Matt. Maybe it means baby is a girl? Maybe it's just because you're a separate person? Who knows, but after breezing through my pregnancy with Matt it certainly came as a shock to the system to have to breathe deeply to get me through a particularly nauseous moment on a daily basis.

Fifthly, I've refused a whole heap of medical interventions this time. No tests other than blood tests and the 20 weeks ultrasound. Apologies baby as you won't have as many pictures of yourself growing as Matt did but they weren't medically necessary and you are developing just fine without them.

Sixthly, I want you to stay in as long as possible. I want you to choose your birthday. Matt did not choose his birthday and while I am grateful that you're my beautiful healthy boy Matt, I have learnt from my birthing experience with you to hold my ground and fight for what is actually medically necessary. I'm more informed and confident that my body can do what it needs to do this time.

25 weeks down, 15-17 to go!

Love you kids,

Mum xxx

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