Wednesday, December 26, 2018

End of year dance concert, final kindy liturgy and visit from Santa

Dear Matthew and Toby

The final week of kindy approached so quickly! I can't believe you have been at school for a whole year, Matt! It has been the most wonderful experience to watch you absolutely thrive with the help of your amazing teachers at kindy.

Your school put on a few events over this last week. Firstly, you had your dance concert. You had been practicing all term to dance to the song 'Hot Hot Hot!' and there was a whole school dance concert in the Corpus Christi gym where each of the years' classes danced in front of the parents. You were dressed up nice and colourfully and absolutely nailed your routine (although unfortunately I couldn't see a lot of it, but the school photographer took some of the great photos of you below, and your granddad managed to film you on his phone allowing us to watch it after). You love dancing and it was great to watch you dance with your classmates so happily. All your grandparents came to watch you and afterwards we all had pizza together back at our place, which was really lovely that they all came together to celebrate you.

The next week we had your last kindy liturgy for the year. This one was extra special as you were asked to speak at the microphone. We had practiced for many weeks leading up to your debut and you knew your sentence 'He lights up the path' off by heart! I was so proud of you up there. Afterwards we went back to your kindy classroom for a shared morning tea and a visit from Santa! You had such a great photo with him and he gave you a present. We also had photos with your teachers (Mrs Bollen, Miss Morgan and Miss Myers) and I was so sad that you were finishing! In fact, after we went to a carols event a few days later, you cried on the way home saying you didn't want to leave your teachers, and I joined it! They have been such magical women and will be greatly missed.

Tobes, I can't believe how much you have grown this year too. To think at the start of this year you were still a little bub that I was carrying into class in the ergo and now (as you can see from the first photo below) you're walking so confidently into the classrooms, and lying down on the mat as if you own the joint! Fingers crossed starting school is a walk in the park given how you're so used to going there already!

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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