Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Matthew's 6th Birthday

Dear Matthew and Toby

We recently celebrated your sixth birthday Matt! Your actual birthday fell on a Tuesday this year, so on the Sunday before that we had a party at Crocs for you and all your friends. Your lovely aunty Robyn made you a Ben 10 cake (as this is your latest craze) and you had a brilliant time playing on the indoor playground with everyone.

On your actual birthday we gave you your presents, which included a fully stocked art cart (as you love arts and crafts), binoculars, a PlayStation game and some Ben 10 figurines. Being a school day, I had the pleasure of joining you in the classroom. You got to wear the 'birthday hat' and sit on the 'birthday chair' and during your Indonesian class the class sang happy birthday to you in Indonesian. That evening your nanna and Darryl joined us for dinner and we had your favourite pasta of ravioli and carbonara sauce.

Matt you have been such a blessing. You made us parents and you teach us all about life. It was such a joy to celebrate you turning 6 and watch all the joy you experienced being surrounded by your friends and family. Thank you for being such an incredibly caring, empathic, cheeky son!! We love you beautiful boy.


Mum xxx

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