Tuesday, November 26, 2019

First School Assembly

Dear Matthew and Toby

At the end of this month you had your first school assembly Matt! Of course the Pre-Primarys were putting on the Nativity play and it was the cutest thing ever.

I was super proud of you because you had been given the role of a narrator and had practiced your line 'It was peaceful that night' over and over again, although a few times it ended up coming out 'it was toilet that night' etc, following by howls of laughter.

On the day of the assembly you wore your Christmas outfit and had decided to wear reindeers antlers (despite the fact that they kept falling off). I had warned you they may fall off when saying your line, but you were adamant you wanted to wear them. Inevitably they did fall off mid-speech, but the most amazing thing happened - you put them back up, said your line again, and got on with it. THIS is what I wanted for you when I feel pregnant with you Matt - to have resilience in the face of adversity, and you have it in spades! I couldn't have been more proud of you that you encountered a problem, dealt with it, and didn't let it impact you greatly. It was truly inspiring and I'm so proud of you for just rolling with the punches. Dealing with small issues such as this so well, having practiced managing situations when they don't always go to plan, is such an important life skill, and here you doing so at just age 6. Absolute superstar in my books.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx

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