Thursday, January 30, 2020

Point Walter Food Trucks

Dear Matthew and Toby

On a lovely Friday night this summer your Ma Ma and Gumps suggested I meet them after a day of babysitting at Point Walter for a play and to enjoy dinner from the food trucks that were parked up there. 

It was a gorgeous summer evening that they chose and we had a great time watching the sun go down while enjoying some Mexican food and playing on the playground. 

This place holds so many special memories from me, right back from my childhood and I'm so glad that you both get to enjoy the magic of this mostly-unchanged place. 

Love you boys, 

Mum xxx


Margaret River Farm Stay

Dear Matthew and Toby

The day after Boxing Day we headed off on our family holiday down south to a farm stay in Margaret River!

The drive was relatively easy given we'd escaped the Boxing Day craziness and when we arrived the lovely owner of the farm stay greeted us and showed us around the property. She took you to feed the horses, then for a ride on the farm ute to feed the alpacca and sheep (and you'd do this for the next four days too). Tobes you loved exploring her chicken coup and I loved being shown how her and her husband make their own honey from their 37 bee hives. 

During our stay we visited Colonial Brewery twice, which was the local brewery about a kilometre up the road with an awesome playground for you boys to enjoy. We went for dinner ($10 pizzas!) on the first night then again the next day to catch up for lunch with my extended family. 

We also visited Pemberly Beach off the coast of Margaret River. This beach was absolutely beautiful and while it was too cold to swim, we enjoyed making sandcastles in the sand and walking the rocks. 

On another day we headed down to Augusta as that's where your dad was born. We drove past his grandparent's old house and the hospital in which he was born. We attempted to do some fishing on the shore but it was incredibley windy so we quickly packed up with out any catches. 

On our final day we met up with the Shelvers from Mother's Group who were also holidaying near Margaret River and went and explored Calgardup Cave. It was awesome to see all your gorgeous kids wearing your hard hats with spotlights and exploring the cave together. Afterwards we went to the Cheeky Money Brewery for some delicious lunch and a play on their playground. 

It was a wonderful trip downsouth and you are already both asking when our next farm stay adventure will be!

Love you boys,

Mum xxx