Thursday, January 30, 2020

Christmas 2020

Dear Matthew and Toby

Every year on this blog it seems I'm unable to fit all of the events from December into December and they inevitably roll over into January! Here we are in January talking about Christmas Eve onwards.

We had a lovely, relaxed Christmas Eve. We were going to be spending the night at Ma Ma and Gumps house so we headed over there in the afternoon and you helped Aunty Robyn decorate some more gingerbread, this time biscuits. She had also put together your final gingerbread house, as you can see in the first photo below. In the early evening we headed to the outdoor children's mass at our local church and then headed back to your grandparents house. You put out carrots for the reindeer and some yummy slice you'd made Matt for Santa. Then off to bed you went! I somehow managed to sneak a photo of Santa just as he was leaving the scene after delivering all our presents that night. 

In the morning I was surprised that you both didn't wake super early, and at a reasonable hour we all started opening presents together with Ma Ma, Gumps, Aunty Robyn and Uncle Andrew. Tobes you were inundated with Bluey toys and books and Matt you were spoilt with books, board games and gu jitsu heroes. And of course Aunty Robyn made sure you both got the family tradition of unhealthy cereal! I of course, reciprocated :) 

We had a yummy breakfast out on the veranda of the traditional waffles with ice cream and then we went for a swim together. At lunchtime we were joined by my Uncle Michael and his partner Anne and had the usual array of delicious plates of food by Ma Ma and desserts by Aunty Robyn. Tobes you took an early afternoon nap and then we headed home. You both ended up collapsing pretty early together in your Christmas outfits after a simple, relaxing Christmas. 

Love you my little elves, 

Mum xxx

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