Sunday, March 29, 2020

Ella's birthday

Dear Matthew and Toby

For your cousin Ella's birthday this year we all headed to Outback Splash for a day of fun. We had never been to Outback Splash before (other than when it used to be The Maze and your dad and I toook Ella and Mikayla when they were little). Tobes, you enjoyed playing in the kid's pool area and on the water slides for most of the day. Matt, you even went on the massive water slides in the adults' area, I couldn't believe how brave you were! So proud of you for giving them a go and not even being phased! 

Unfortunately we also lost you at one point Matt (your cousin Lachlan had taken you to the loo) so that was a bit scary. But you also got to meet the local koalas and touch them, and we had yummy burgers for lunch and birthday cake to celebrate Ella turning 10. It was a great day- especially because we knew it may be one of our last times out in a big group given there was a big health issue happening in the world (I'll touch on this in another post soon). We were grateful to have this time together. 

Love you boys, 

Mum xxx

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