Thursday, April 30, 2020

Facetiming and connecting

Dear Matthew and Toby

During the pandemic we've tried out best to maintain our connection with our family and friends, mainly through Facetime and Zoom. Matt, you have a standard Facetime with your school friends every afternoon at 4pm and you'll often chat (and use all sorts of filters like those shown below) for over an hour. You've also been playing Roblox with Ryder from next door and your cousin Harry (where you play each other online while chatting to each other on the phone). We've been holding family Zoom sessions with your dad's side of the family and we Facetime your Ma Ma and Gumps most days (even when Ma Ma is in the pool - check out the photos below!). Matt, you've also been doing Zoom speech therapy sessions with your lovely therapist Leanne, and I've been surprised how well you've paid attention in the sessions despite it being by screen.

I wanted to make sure these examples of us seeking connection were included in this blog to remind you boys of the most important thing in life (other than our health)- our relationships with others. For someone social like me, it's been important to remain connected with others and even your dad, who is a self-confessed introvert, has said he misses work drinks (work Zoom drinks just aren't cutting it apparently!).

Anyway, we're coming out the other side now, but it's still important to remember to foster relationships and love others as well as you can. You will never, even regret doing so.

Love you boys,

Mum xxx


Easter, isolation-style

Dear Matthew and Toby,

Easter in 2020 was a little different to previous years! Given the Easter Bunny was coming in the middle of a pandemic, we had to mix things up a little but I hope you both had a lovely day. Luckily our Premier had given the Easter Bunny special permission to cross the state border into Western Australia to deliver your Easter eggs, and even left his usual trail of footprints along the driveway and out the back door to the grass. 

So you both woke up and ran around collecting your eggs from inside and outside the house and then we all had a lovely cooked breakfast together. Later in the morning we headed to Ma Ma and Gumps' house for a 'socially-distanced' Easter gathering. They had set up an Easter egg hunt in their front yard for you to collect yet more chocolate and stayed up on their balcony to ensure we all stayed safe. It was nice to finally see them after weeks and weeks of only Facetiming!

Aunty Robyn baked us some delicious coated cinnamon scrolls and went Pokemon Go'ing with you and daddy, Matt (at a safe distance of at least 1.5 metres at all times). Aunty Robyn imparted her wisdom and tricks of the trade about collecting Pokemon along the way. It was great to be able to spend time with family, even if it was at a distance.

After a couple of hours we headed home and in the afternoon we went for another scooter up to the park to collect, you guessed it, more Pokemon! It was a lovely relaxed Easter, like no other, and while it was different, it wasn't entirely bad. There are always plenty of ways to make the best out of whatever situation the universe hands you, and we hope we did the best we could for you both this Easter, isolation-style. 

Love you boys, 

Mum xxx