Thursday, April 30, 2020

Holiday camping... in the backyard

Dear Matthew and Toby,

As Western Australia's lockdown extended over the April school holidays, and no one was allowed to leave their home to go on holidays, we decided to set up our family tent in the backyard instead!

Luckily we have a big enough grassed area to fit our trampoline and massive tent on! Tobes, you loved playing in the tend but didn't want to sleep in it, so you and I stayed warm indoors while Matt, you and daddy braved the elements to sleep in the tent for a few nights together. 

It was fun to be able to 'go on holiday' in our own backyard and even though it was possibly the most uneventful school holidays you will both ever have, I hope you still had a good time staying nice and safe at home. 

Love you boys, 

Mum xxx

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