Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Matt's Merit Award and Harmony Day

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

I couldn't help but include all these gorgeous photos of you all that I've taken recently, you are all just so cute!! 

Matt you also got a merit certificate this week for getting 100% on your maths test! We are just so proud of you buddy, you are working so hard and it's really paying off. You seem to just be able to figure out numbers/equations so easily, but you also put in the time and effort with your homework to practice these. Unfortunately due to covid restrictions I wasn't able to come to your school to see you get it but we celebrated together after school. 

Boys, your school also celebrated Harmony Day recently so you both went to school dressed in orange and celebrated all the different cultures and traditions of your school friends. 

Josie, you and I took a wander along the river and you loved just chilling and playing in the sand. You've also become obsessed with avocados and will easily eat a whole one yourself! Matt, you have also enjoyed playing Wordle like me, your Ma Ma and Aunty Robyn do, and you've managed to figure out the word on your own quite a few times! So clever :)

Love you all, 

Mum xxx


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