Thursday, March 30, 2023

A farm and a bandicoot at the playground

Dear Matthew, Toby and Josie

As you will soon be starting daycare Josie, as your Ma Ma and Gumps are stopping babysitting to go travelling, I have been trying to make the most of our days together to do fun things. We recently went to Lansdale Farm with a friend from playgroup and you absolutely loved seeing all the farm animals, riding on the tractor train and playing on the playgrounds. You especially loved the pigs (and almost got your hand bitten off by one) and the guinea pigs and rabbits that you got to touch in the petting shed. You know all the sounds that farm animals make and love telling me each of them when I ask you. It was so much 😊

We also went down to our local playground (which is epic) and you enjoyed playing on all the equipment and in the sand, and you also loved the local bandicoot who was jumping around inside the gate! It was very tame and just eating scraps off the floor and reminded me a lot of the quokkas at Rottnest. The weather is starting to become a bit cooler and it’s been wonderful to get outside without worrying about being burnt!

Hopefully we can keep spending these special days together over the next few months before you’re in daycare a few days a week. I’m looking forward it them! 

Love you all,

Mum xxx

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