Monday, September 23, 2013

Showered with love

Dear Matthew

Last weekend we had a baby shower in your honour. Your aunty Pia, aunty Bec, aunty Alysia, Grandma and aunty Robyn hosted and helped at the event, which was held in the backyard on an unusually beautiful September day. 

35 of my lovely friends and family ate, drank and spoilt you with an abundance of goodies. 

The two games we played were bingo as I opened the presents and the 'my waters broke' game (where everyone is given a jelly baby frozen in an ice cube for their drink and the first person to have their ice cube melt and to call out 'my waters broke' wins). 

It was a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon, we really are blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people. I can't wait for you to meet them all. 


Mum xxx

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My little soccer player

Dear Matthew

These past couple of weeks you've been wonderfully active in my belly. It's a great feeling, especially when you're hiccuping. It's amazing when family and friends can also feel, and now even clearly see, you moving around in there. 

I first felt you kicking at around 16 weeks. I used to poke you quite hard just to make you kick me back so I knew you were ok. I didn't mind the four week wait between obstetricians appointments once you started letting me know on your own that everything was okay. 

Here you are at 33 weeks, definitely growing big and strong, and thankfully without giving your mum even one stretch mark. Hopefully soon I'll be able to upload some videos of my belly wobbling around as you tumble about. 


Mum xxx

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Christmas with the Constables

Dear Matthew 

Last week you Grandma bought you your first Christmas decorations. She bought you a stocking holder and tree decoration with your name on it. 

I must warn you- Christmas with the Constables is nothing short of phenomenal. You will grow up thinking it's normal, but just so you know (and therefore don't judge others), usually people only have 1 Christmas tree in a house, not 10, they usually don't have shrines to Santa (with over 100 Santa figurines on them) and decorations aren't usually put up in October (and all are meant to come down by late January). 

The spirit of Christmas is strong in your Grandma and Gramps' house. As their first grandchild I'm sure you'll experience the magic, and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you. I promise you will love Christmas with the Constables. 


Mum xxx