Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Welcome Matty!

Dear Matthew

Well, you're finally here! I am writing this post with you passed out in my arms, milk drunk after a feed. It's been a few weeks since I last posted and that's because your dad and I have been busy getting to know you!

I won't tell your birth story in this post (it was quite eventful!) but I will tell you about you. 

You are divine. My precious baby boy, you have made the transition to motherhood so very easy. You feed and sleep so well, have a beautiful temperament and make your dad and I smile and laugh every day. We are so very lucky to have you as our first born, especially given karma could have really hurt us, as apparently I was a devil child!

You make these little 'ahh' sounds when you're content that make my heart melt. You have the most gorgeous olive skin and amazing blue eyes. I cannot believe that I helped bake you, you are so perfect. 

Everyone who holds you says you are so calm and happy. You very rarely cry and when you do you can be comforted very quickly. 

I never really understood the 'overwhelming love' thing that parents would talk about in relation to their kids, but I totally get it now. 

I know we will have our ups and downs in the years to come, but please know that I will always love you. My darling Matthew, I am so blessed to be your mum. I love you with all my heart baby boy. 


Mum xxx
Your first Facebook photo :)

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