Tuesday, November 5, 2013

You're almost here!

Dear Matthew

Today, Sunday 20 October 2013, is your due date! Your dad and I are very excited that we get to meet you soon!

No one knows it yet but at a check up last Friday your doctor was concerned about my blood pressure, as it was mildly above normal, so we've decided to start inducing you tomorrow afternoon with the hope that you'll arrive sometime on Tuesday. The reason we're doing this is to prevent me developing pre-eclampsia, which would be very bad for the both of us. I would have liked to go into labour naturally but our safety is of course what's important. 

As we haven't decided to tell anyone (we want everyone, even your grandparents, to be surprised) we have had to tell a few lies and I may not make this post public until next weekend when we're home with you :)

The benefits of knowing when we'll meet you are that we are able to make sure everything in place, your dad has organised everything at work so that he can have 2 weeks off without having to go in at any point and we have a good story put together as to why your Grandma and Gramps need to come pick up Soda tomorrow night. 

This morning I had a few cuddles with Pepper and Soda- it's as if they too know that you're on the way and wanted to sneak in some last minute peaceful Sunday morning cuddles! See below! 

Can't wait for our first cuddles, probably in about 50 hours from now :) I hope you know that we love you very much and can't wait to start our next adventure with you. 


Mum xxx

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