Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Water baby

Dear Matthew

Living in Australia it's super important that you know how to swim, so your dad and I have started taking you in the water as much as we can. 

You first had a quick feet dip in the ocean back in Busselton. Your dad also took you for a swim in grandma and gramps' pool just before Christmas. You enjoyed this but only when being held by daddy (when we tried to lower you into the water by yourself you lost it crying, but didn't mind at all when daddy held you to his chest). Last Saturday we also took you for your first swimming lesson up at the local physio at Murdoch Hospital. The water was warm as the pool was a hydrotherapy pool and you really enjoyed it. We sung nursery rhymes and moves you all around in the water and you didn't cry once. 

Hopefully we instil a love for water in you so that you are a strong swimmer and not afraid of the water. But mostly we want you to be able to swim safely given where you live! 


Mum xxx

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