Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Parents and Babies Group

Dear Matthew

Since you were about 4 weeks old I have been attending a Parents and Babies Group. It involves 6 sessions at the local community centre where a midwife discusses baby issues and then the parents meet up on their own afterwards (we meet every Thursday mornig for an hour or so). It was initially tough to get out of the house without your dad to help but I'm so glad I percervered (looking back it wasn't actually that hard, I was just a bit overwhelmed as the experience was new to me) as the mums and dads have been a great support system for me. It's also been wonderful to make new friends (which is something I use to find hard but realised that if I just put myself out there, it's very rewarding). 

We now attend gymbaroo with a number of the parents and bubs on Mondays, swimming lessons on Saturdays and will hopefully make it to Rhyme Time on Tuesdays soon. 

Below are some photos from one of our recent meet ups at Deep Water Point. As you can see, you were the only boy baby at this particular meet up- Play-er!!


Mum xxx

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