Tuesday, February 18, 2014

You're on a roll...

Dear Matthew,

On Friday 6 February 2014, you rolled over all by yourself. After a few days of assistance from your mum on your play mat, you perfected your technique of, while on your back, lifting both legs up, twisting them to the side you wanted to roll towards, then using that momentum to twist the rest of your body over until you were on your tummy. 

I was so proud of you, especially because the child health nurse had gotten us a little worried about your fine motor skills (which are just fine) so it was good to know your development in terms of being on the move was right on track.

The next morning you rolled over six times in a row for your dad and he was super impressed. 12 days later and I can't lie you down on your back without you getting annoyed and rolling over onto your tummy. 

Well done baby boy :)



P.S. Work your way from the bottom photo to the top to see your rolling technique in action. 

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