Friday, May 23, 2014


Dear Matthew

Without realising it, I practise attachment parenting with you. This means I breastfeed on demand (and will breastfeed until you decide to wean), I baby carry and I bed share with you. I don't agree with letting you ever 'cry it out' and I regret the money we spent on your baby prison (your crib, which thankfully turns into a toddler bed so isn't a total waste). 

I didn't realise just how instinctual parenting is. Parenting books are a waste of time and money. The only guide a parent needs is their heart and what their gut is telling them.

I love the way I get to cuddle you to sleep and that you fall asleep while breastfeeding (I was told by midwives to never let this happen, when in fact it's the biological norm). I'm not going to change what I'm doing, I'm not making a rod for my own back. To the contrary, I'm showing you just how important you are. And, to me, you are the most important thing on this earth. 

I think you can thank your grandparents for this- grandma and gramps were very much the same with their parenting style (no baby wearing but cloth nappies!). Hopefully it means you can trust your mum and dad to always be there for you, which, ironically, will make you independent. Because that is our job- to smother you with love so that you can, one day, take on the big wide world with the knowledge that no matter what, we are your safe haven. 


Mum xxx

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