Thursday, July 31, 2014


Dear Matthew

A couple of weeks ago we went on our first interstate holiday with you, to Melbourne. Grandma and Gramps came along too (thankfully as travelling with a baby is tough work sometimes!) and we stayed at Docklands for a week. 

We were lucky to even be able to leave as three days before we were due to fly you were diagnosed with tonsillitis which only seemed to be getting worse by the hour. Luckily we were able to pump some penicillin into you and we took off as planned. 

On the flight there you screamed for the first hour and then passed out in my lap. Not bad considering your eardrums were inflamed and you hate being restricted to someone's lap (and Jetstar had us on a tiny budget plane). 

After we arrived we checked in at our apartment and got some takeaway for dinner. The next day we visited the Queen Victoria Markets (and bought you an awesome beanie). We then had my cousin Christine and her partner over for dinner and enjoyed eating some of the yummy produce we'd bought at the markets (Grandma cooked up a storm).

The next day we went to the Harbourtown outlet store in Docklands and bought a new suitcase as our died on the trip over. Your dad and Gramps took in a footy match at Etihad Stadium in Docklands while your mum and Grandma stayed with you in the apartment (Grandma did keep a watchful eye on the stadium though).

The weekend followed and we headed off to the CBD on your first tram. We stopped at H&M for some retail therapy. I was quite impressed however your dad, well, not so much. Nothing a good Melbourne coffee couldn't fix but! We then strolled around a bit and had lunch at a cute café. We headed back to the apartment through some of Melbournes graffiti filled alleys before heading out to your first footy match at Etihad, Dockers versus St Kilda. What should have been a walk in the park for the Dockers (second on the ladder) over the Saints (dead last) ended up being quite an embarrassment with the Saints smashing the Dockers. Nevermind, by half time you had had enough and your dad and I made our way back to the apartment!

On Sunday your mums friend Dee who used to work at Notre Dame picked us up and took us back to her house for lunch. She lives in Hampton East with her daughter Sienna and husband Brett (and dog Jagger). She had also invited her friends Narelle and Mark and their twin daughters. Dee is such a special soul and invited Narelle and family as she thought Narelle and your mum would get along well as our personalities are similar- and she was right! It was such a wonderful lunch, full of lots of laughs. Dee took us home via the road on which she'll soon be opening a bead shop. Dee loves you very much.

That night your dad and I went out for dinner while Grandma and Gramps looked after you. It was our first date night since you were born :)

The next day we headed off to the Melbourne Aquarium. It was time for Matthew to see some fish! It was way better than expected though, with actual king penguins! You loved seeing all the fish, touching some of the displays and just generally spending quality time with your grandparents. We then did a bit more shopping before heading to Lygon Street for an early dinner. Your dads old work friend had recommended a restaurant called Tiamo and it didn't disappoint. Your dad even had a rabbit casserole for dinner. Your mum enjoyed a scrumptious slow cooked lamb in penne. We then took the tram home, in typical Melbourne style.

On our final full day in Melbourne we decided to visit the beautiful Fitzroy Gardens (your dad and mum had been here previously on a trip taken a few year earlier and loved them). We strolled through before hitting up Bridge Road for more outlet shopping (when in Rome...).

The next day it was home time. There was quite a heavy fog (and flights the previous day had been cancelled) but on the way to the airport we literally watched the sun come out and the fog disappear before our eyes. The flight home was a Qantas flight, thank goodness, and you were a dream (you were well recovered from your tonsillitis).

It was such a wonderful trip and we were very grateful to your grandparents for coming with us. Also grateful we brought your carrier (should have left the pram at home) as you just snuggled into your mum most of the time and slept that way during nap time while everyone was out and about.
Can't wait for our next adventure with you!!
Mum xxx
P.S. You also started crawling on your hands and knees while we were aware, you clever monkey.