Thursday, July 10, 2014

Mummy guilt

Dear Matthew

I have a confession. Today Soda peed on the carpet in our bedroom so I put you on our bed while I started to clean up the mess and you fell head first off the bed. 

I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry. I thought you'd be okay near the edge as I was right next to you and only turned away for a second. Turns out that's all you needed to completely lunge forward and off.  

I should have known better. I know you won't even remember it but still. Know that I was tired and angry at Soda and over the day by 9am but that these excuses aren't good enough. I'm sorry. 

I will try to do better. 

Luckily, you seemed fine and after a few tears and distractions you were back to your old self. 


Mum xxx

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