Well, today is officially the last day of my maternity leave. Tomorrow I head back to Notre Dame to work. Luckily I will only be working 2.5 days a week currently, and 3 from December onwards.
It seems as if this year has gone super quick and yet some days drag on for so. damn. long. I can't believe how much has happened and how much I've been able to watch you grow. I am very lucky and so grateful to have been able to spend this time with you. I feel like its helped create an inseparable bond between us. Here's hoping you don't forget me!
So, on Tuesdays Nanna is going to come to the house to look after you. On Wednesdays we are going to take you to gramps house so he can look after you. On Thursdays, initially, we are going to drop you at grandmas golf club so I can work a half day and she'll bring you back to our house for a play in the afternoon. However come December when grandma looks after you for a full day we'll do the same as on Wednesdays and drop you at hers in the morning. I've had plenty of chats with you about these arrangements and so far haven't heard a complaint ;)
I love my work, but I sure love my little boy too. I think I'm going to be a better mum if I'm involved in projects I'm passionate about and I think you're going to be more stimulated and learn more if you have a village of loving caregivers looking after you. I hope it's win win.
I think we're going to be ok. I know we can do hard things. I also know that there might be a crappy transition period but that if we give ourselves plenty of grace that it may just work out perfectly after a while. Fingers crossed.
So, the breastmilk is frozen ready for use. The instruction sheet has been written. The house is stocked full of baby snacks, nappies, toys and clean clothes.
Know that I love you and will miss you.
We've got this Matty.
Mum xxxxxx