Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My outside boy

Dear Matthew

You, my boy, love being outside. To the point now where you chuck a tantrum when we try to bring you back inside, or start crying when you hear the back door open and can't crawl fast enough to get out there before the person who opened the door has come back in. 

It's adorable but messy. As someone who loves being indoors (where I can easily regulate my temperature, not get my fair skinned burned, and be generally free of creepy crawlers), I'm having difficulty encouraging your love for the outdoors. However, I know it's super important for little boys to play outside and get grubby, so I'm actively trying to improve. Boys learn best from doing, so I'm going to help you do. 

Gramps has already put up his hand to take you outside lots when he starts looking after you all day every Wednesday, so at least you'll have a solid day a week of outdoor play. 

I think we're going to get you a water table or sandpit for Christmas. I mean, Santa will. 


Mum xxx

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