Thursday, September 18, 2014

This term's activities

Dear Matthew

During our last full term together before I head back to work part time, we have been attending three classes a week (when we're not sick!): gymbakids, sign language and swimming. 

After two terms at gymbaroo I decided to switch over to gymbakids. As you're mobile now, I was finding that you were getting really bored at gymbaroo, plus the indoor playground at gymbakids is amazing compared to that at gymbaroo. I'm really glad we made the switch as you are really enjoying gymbakids, so we're going to continue next term too. 

For the first time we have done sign language classes this term too. I have always had an interest in sign language and was keen for you to learn some baby signs to help us communicate. We both enjoy the lessons however the time that they're run in the mornings and their location usually means you have a meltdown in the car on the way there and then fall asleep on me in the car afterwards (so I'm trapped with a baby on me for two hours while sitting in the car) hasn't made me the biggest fan of the lessons so I don't think we'll continue next term. You can sign 'dog' though!!

We have also kept up your Saturday swimming lessons at Fremantle Aquatic Centre. Your instructor Hayley is really lovely and your swimming is coming along so well. You now are dunked under water and even almost jump/fall into my arms in the water from a sitting position on the edge. I love that you aren't stressed in the water, it makes the lessons a lot of fun! 

I go back to work next week so from now on we'll just be doing gymbakids, swimming and a meet up with the mothers group kids together. And you'll have three days of fun with your grandparents thrown in there too!


Mum xxx

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