Friday, October 3, 2014

My baby can walk

Dear Matthew

On the day you turned 11 months old, you took your first step. 

Luckily, it was at night at home and your dad and I were just sitting down watching tv. You were standing unassisted and then all of a sudden took one little step forward. 

I was so excited I jumped up and picked you up for a great big cuddle! Little did I realise you were probably still in walking mode and may have taken more had I not grabbed you, but oh well! I was just so happy and glad that both your parents saw your first step together. I was due to go back to work the next day, so had it been 12 hours later we both would have missed it. 

A week or so later you took three or four steps at grandma and gramps house, from their coffee table to their couch. Your dad, grandma, gramps and I were all watching :)

We are just so proud of you little boy. Although I'm having a little trouble farewelling your babyhood, I know toddlerhood is going to be a lot of fun. 

You are so wonderful. I love you. 


Mum xxx

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