Monday, October 13, 2014

Our new routine

Dear Matthew

I've been back at work for three weeks now and we both seem to be coping really well. 

Luckily I've been able to pump breast milk at work for you very easily and my supply hasn't dropped at all. In this regard I'm glad we waited till you were 11 months before I returned to work, as I'm not at work stressing that you're hungry/thirsty. You have also become used to taking my milk from a bottle, and don't seem to mind who gives you the bottle!

As I think I've said before, it's great for you to spend time with your grandparents as they offer you new and exciting things to do. I never had a close relationship with any of my grandparents growing up so it makes me so happy to see you so comfortable around them. It really just goes to show that babies are meant to be raised by a village filled with loving adults. You have this village and are thriving because of it, lucky boy!

Sooner or later you will be going to day care for a day or two a week which will also help prepare you for school and give you lots of social interaction with other kids. Whereas before now I was stressed about you going, given how easily you've transitioned to me working I now don't worry too much about it. Hopefully it's still a year off anyway!

As always, I love you my monkey boy. 


Mum xxx

P.S. Below is a photo of you on your new trike from yesterday (an early birthday present from us to you). I love this photo and captioned it 'Soda the reindeer'.  You refused to let anyone but you hold her lead so our compromise was to tie her lead to your handle bars. You have such a personality already and are fiercely independent. Exactly as I'd hoped you'd be :)

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