Thursday, January 8, 2015

Your second Christmas

Dear Matthew

Christmas this year was wonderful. You were a bit more switched on and even though you didn't know why you were being given presents and visiting everyone, it was clear you were really enjoying it. 

The night before we went to the children's mass at St Benedicts with the Constables. For some reason it was indoors this time but that didn't stop you wanting to run around liked a crazed monkey so it was interesting (and fun as you got to play with other kids). 

We started the big day with the Constables for breakfast. Grandma doesn't really know how to do basic gift giving so as usual we were showered with presents. We had a lovely breakfast of waffles and fruit with ice cream, cream and syrup. It was a great way to start the day.

We then moved on to Aunty Lynne's for lunch with your dads mums side of the family. You went for a swim in the pool and we had a visit from Santa. It was very relaxed and the weather was beautiful. 

For dinner we went to your granddad's house and enjoyed catching up with cousin Jen a bit more as she had flown over from Sydney (she is from London but is currently working in Sydney). 

As we were heading home grandma called and said their house alarm had gone off and as they were in Mandurah asked us to drop through on our way home to check it out as they were speeding home but still an hour away. Turns out the Christmas lights had caused the electricity to switch off for a second, triggering the alarms to go off so thankfully all was well. You slept through the whole thing in the car seat, even the police visit. 

On Boxing Day we headed down to Mandurah to catch up with my grandparents, Aunty Sharlene and Steve and cousins Brianna and Travis. We had lunch on their balcony overlooking the estuary and again the weather was great for it. You particularly loved the bubble machine Aunty Sharlene gave you :)

So it was a jam packed couple of days and you managed it all really well. I was so grateful for all the loving people in our lives and cannot wait till next Christmas when you'll have an even greater idea of what's going on :) #bringonthemagicofmattsfaceatchristmas

Love you,

Mum xxx

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