Sunday, December 21, 2014

Why we're not buying you presents en masse

Dear Matthew

Growing up, Christmas' in the Constable house were magical. We were surrounded by family and friends, amazing food and a truckload of presents. But on reflection my memories aren't filled with the material gifts we received. They are filled with the smell of waffles in the morning, hearing laughter at lunchtime and the thrill of swimming or playing games with my cousins in the afternoon. Even the lead up to Christmas had memories of singing carols at Judy and Johns house, decorating the family tree and having a visit from a very familiar looking Father Christmas on Christmas Eve (where we would have gathered for dinner with friends and family and each received a small present from the big guy).

The point I'm trying to make is that there are so many good things about Christmas other than materialism and consumerism. While the act of giving is important, it's who we give things to and what we give that are key. 

So this year, we have donated to hampers for St Vinnies and have sent Christmas cards to our World Vision kids. In the past we have donated to the Kmart Wishing Tree and bought goats for third world families. And we have bought you one present. Because you have a thousand toys already, and you won't remember what we bought you anyway (it's a car garage that your dad picked out for himself- I mean, for you- that I'm sure you and him will have fun playing with). 

In the future you'll hopefully receive a stocking from Santa and then four gifts from your mum and dad- something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read.

And no doubt you'll still find Christmas magical. Because there doesn't need to be a mountain of presents for it to be that way. It just is. 

Love you gorgeous boy. 

Mum xxx

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