Thursday, December 18, 2014

Preparing for the man in red

Dear Matthew

Well, your second Christmas is not far off and we've been busy putting up trees, buying and making presents and starting/maintaining our Christmas traditions. 

At the start of December, grandma, gramps and Aunty Robyn all came over to decorate our tree with you... And you slept through the whole thing haha! We also set up your advent calendar that Aunty Robyn made for you last year. It's mostly filled with your own toys but you don't seem to mind! And as tradition dictates, we watched National Lampoons Christnas Vacation. 

The next day we were at grandma and gramps' house so we set up the Constable family tree with them. Since then you've also 'helped' decorate their ten or so other trees when they've been looking after you while I've been at work. 

Last weekend we also managed to get a really good photo of you with Santa, much to our surprise and delight! After hearing traumatic unsuccessful stories from mums at mothers group we weren't sure how you'd go but thought we'd give it a shot (as it means a lot to me to keep this tradition going from last year). We asked the guy taking photos what he recommended and he said I should hold you, walk backwards towards Santa, put you on his lap without you actually seeing him and then hope for the best. And it worked! You were a little but freaked after a few seconds but no real tears thankfully. You even managed to get a teddy from Santa for being such a brave boy. I'm going to make the teddy into your Christmas tree decoration for this year :)

Lastly, we have also been walking around at night looking at all the houses nearby that are lit up for Christmas. We're so lucky there's five or six really well decorated houses nearby. 

So!! The traditions are alive and well. Only six more sleeps!

Love you my little elf. 

Mum xxx

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