Sunday, December 7, 2014

Build 'em up, build 'em up, build 'em higher

Dear Matthew

It might seem trivial when you read this, but today you put one building block on top of the other and began to build a tower. This was a big leap in your cognitive development as prior to this you would just have fun knocking over the towers I built. But today you built one four blocks high, and I was so so proud of you!

You've also started doing a few cool things:

1. Blowing kisses, waving goodbye on request, high fiving, trying to jump, shushing Soda, moving me to where you want me to go, and just generally communicating more through mime

2. Talking way more- at last count you're up to 20 words (mum, dad, da for Soda, ball, jump, ta, gone, duck, clap, broom, woof, uh-uh, shhh, boo for peekaboo, boobie, mwah for kiss, boom for thunder, toot toot for train while making the arm movement of blowing a horn, duh for dummy and making a sss sound for snake)

3. You make a clicking sound around the cats (which we taught you as we do it) and literally lay on all the animals with a smile on your face, seemingly cuddling them

4. Walking to the point where you're basically running

5. Become obsessed with the hose and being outdoors. You know where the two hoses are at out house and three hoses are at grandma and gramps' house and head to them at every opportunity. 

6. You dance- to ads, mum singing, the radio. It's gorgeous. 

7. You are much better in the car! Yippee!!

Better go as you're waking up from your nap. 

Love you!

Mum xxx

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