Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Family lunch

Dear Matthew

Earlier this month your grandma organised a family lunch at her place, just as a way to bring all the family together (because the bigger we get, the harder it is to make sure we're in the same room together!). 

My cousin Kate came up from Busselton with her kids Mia and Dusty and you had a great time playing with Mia. You two were throwing the thousands of golf balls that grandma and gramps have at their house all over the back yard and just generally getting up to mischief. Kate was one of my favourite childhood friends so to see you playing with her daughter is just so lovely. 

We had a big cooked lunch and lots of yummy dessert and then you and your dad passed out in one of the back rooms for an afternoon nap.

Was a really wonderful afternoon catching up with grandma's side of the family. 


Mum xxx

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