Monday, September 28, 2015

A day at the beach

Dear Matthew

We recently found ourselves with a free Sunday and thought why not head to the dog beach? So off we went to Leighton beach with your pal Soda and enjoyed the sand (not so much the surf as it was still a tad chilly and windy). You built sandcastles with your dad and we enjoyed some lovely family time.

We are so lucky to be our little family of three (plus four pets of course) and to have the luxury of just hopping in the car and heading to the beach. There is so much heartache happening in the world right now (the war in Syria and the devastation that ISIS is causing makes for heavy hearts) so it is days like this that remind me just how blessed and truly fortunate we are to lead the life we do. Australia truly is the lucky country, but it's our responsibility to ensure we help others less fortunate than ourselves. I hope we can instil this in you and your sibling/s.

On a happier note, enjoy these beautiful photos that I took!

Love you my darling boy,

Mum xxx

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