Monday, September 21, 2015

Whiteman Park for a day

Dear Matthew
A few weeks ago we visited Whiteman Park with your dad and nanna. It was one of those beautiful days that appears as winter is winding to a close and you know spring is just around the corner.
First stop was the huge playground where you confidently took on the big kids, enjoyed sliding down the slides and even tried to use the digger in the sand. You even went down the spiral slide with nanna and I (and taught the other kids a thing or two about patience as you climbed the stairs haha). I love watching you have fun on the equipment :)
Next stop was to the train! Your dad and I thought we were the best parents on earth as we bought tickets and climbed aboard the old steam engine. You generally love playing with toy trains and have your own train set so we thought we were onto a winner. Unfortunately... not so much. You enjoyed it for a bit but then, as the photos illustrate, you quickly got over it.
Never mind! Onto the transport museum next where you very much enjoyed climbing over all the old vehicles and sitting in the old bus with nanna. There's a great bit of history to learn about old man Whiteman, who left the park to the people of Perth to enjoy, including his impressive transport collection so I would encourage you to visit later on if you're reading this and have the capacity to drive now!
Lastly you followed some birds around with nanna and took a great liking to a particular tree in the park, which you plonked yourself underneath time and time again. I love your comments 'Ooo, tree.' 'Ooo, duck'. 'Ooo, shoe'. You are such a funny little thing and find wonder in everything - it's just so refreshing and makes me see the world with new eyes.
Afterwards we went back to your nannas for a bit where you had a snore on Chloe the dog's bed for a bit (of course) before we headed home.
Mum xxx


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