Monday, August 17, 2015

My snoring ladybird

Dear Matthew (or Machu as you are currently calling yourself),

You have started to do this strange, hilarious thing where you randomly lie down wherever you may be, on your back, and start snoring. Initially I thought one of the grandparents had taught it to you but after checking with them they said they had didn't and so I was a bit lost. 

And then you and I were watching an episode on youtube of Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom (one of your favourite shows along with Peppa Pig, digger videos, the Wiggles and the movies Cars and Planes).  In the episode Gaston the ladybird is in his house which is sort of like a cave, he crawls on to his bed, flips onto his back and starts snoring. You laughed at this point and started snoring so I knew it was Gaston that you were copying. 

You've been snoring on the slide at the playground, lying in dirt, on your bedroom floor, in the middle of a session of gymbakids- wherever. It's hilarious and just shows what a gorgeous personality you are developing. My baby boy is such a character. 

Love you my little ladybird, 

Mum xxx

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