Monday, August 17, 2015

Toilet time....

Dear Matthew

People regularly ask me when I'm going to toilet train you. And I regularly answer that you're a human being and I'm not going to train you to do anything, and that you'll do it in your own time. I knew I'd wait at least until you showed an interest in the toilet until I'd bother even trying to get you to sit on the toilet. 

Well, today you woke up and went straight to the toilet. You then squatted down down next to it while holding onto the side of the loo, and presumably started pooing in your nappy (you did end up with a poo) and waved at me while saying 'bye-bye'. I smiled and took the hint and moved out of your eyesight, but kept sneaking a look at you. You'd catch me every time and kept saying bye-bye to me. Eventually you stood up and started putting your hand in the toilet at which point I needed to stop you. You then started playing with the lid and it came down on your finger (so you may not like the toilet anymore anyway). 

In any event, it's started! My big boy is growing up. With no pushing from me, you've taken an interest in the toilet, done a poo next to it and asked for privacy! So proud! I'll buy you a little seat with attached ladder in the coming months so you can easily climb up and feel secure. But no rush!

Spurred on by your lead we then converted your largely unused crib into a sidecar crib and you're currently sleeping your first nap in it. This will give your mum and dad more room in our bed and help you with the eventual transition to a big boy bed. 


Mum xxx

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