Monday, August 17, 2015

Road trippin'

Dear Matthew

The weekend before last we headed down south again to Busselton with Gramps, Grandma, aunty Robyn and daddy. My cousin Kate had invited us to her son Dusty's baptism on the Sunday morning so we left on the Friday night to make a weekend of it. 

Unfortunately the weather wasn't brilliant but on the Saturday morning we decided to head to the Wonky Windmill in any event, which is a farm where you can feed and touch the animals. There was a bit of rain to start with but then it became fine and you loved feeding the animals and splashing in the puddles. I will add that you tried to kick a rabbit (which was a bit embarrassing) and kept waving and saying hello to the guinea pigs (which was so lovely). Grandma kept trying to pull you away from the animals as I think she was nervous about them biting your hand off but you fed the ponies, goats, sheep, deer, pigs etc like an old pro. At the end of the visit I even bumped into one of the mums who was in our mothers group when it first started and had a good chat with her while you and her boys played in the sandpit (this world is so small). 

After the farm we headed to Simmos for an ice cream (or in my case a milkshake) and you played on the kids playgrounds with daddy. We then headed home for your nap and enjoyed a quiet night in. Daddy cooked a yummy meal of salad and Moroccan chicken. 

In the morning we headed to the baptism which was at the church down the road from Kate's house. It was a lovely church and a beautiful ceremony but for some reason you weren't enjoying it and became obsessed with the many candles in the church to the point where you were screaming 'candles! Candles!!!' So that was a tad embarrassing but I think your 2 year old molars are coming in as you were also asking to be breastfed a lot so no wonder you were a bit off. 

After the church we headed back to the house where lunch was being held and had a yummy meal and a play with all my cousins kids before heading back home. It was a wonderful weekend of family that's for sure. 


Mum xxx

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