Thursday, November 26, 2015

A few things we've been up to!

Dear Matthew

We've had quite a social life lately! Below are a few extra things we've been up to!

Recently either before or after your swimming classes we've been going into the kids play area at Fremantle Aquatic and you have absolutely loved it. You are so confident in the water and going on the slides- it is so lovely to watch. Plus it's fun :)


We also went to morning tea at my boss's house where you proceeded to climb into her dog's sleeping cage. You crack me up! But it was lovely to catch up with other mums of only boys, as it seems we are generally surrounded by girls, especially at mothers group! You really enjoyed exploring the garden, looking in the fish pond and playing with trucks with the other boys.

We've also continued to catch up with your grandad and Maree after swimming classes at the Fremantle Arts Centre. You love running around and it's a great area as it's shaded and secure. See below for another example of your craziness. I think Soda's antics are rubbing off on you!

As you can see we've been having a lot of fun! I love the age you're at right now- we are beginning to do more and more exciting things :)
Mum xxx


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