Thursday, November 26, 2015

Some new friends

Dear Matthew

In the last month or so we have met some of your new friends! Your dad's cousin Lea introduced us to her little boy Jack (great name!), my friend Alysia introduced us to her little boy Samuel and Charlotte from mother's group became a big sister when her mum Hayley gave birth to Alice (who unfortunately I don't think I have a photo of). Anyway, it has been a big month of meeting your future playmates! It is always special when friends and family create new life and even more special when I know you are going to have a future bond with these little people.

You have also been very good when I have held the babies and not shown much jealousy at all. I can just tell that you are going to be an amazing big brother one day. We promise you will get your own sibling in the next couple of years, we are just busy enjoying you at the moment :)


Mum xxx

P.S. The final photo below shows you hugging Lea's oldest, Ruby, as we were saying goodbye although it turned into a tumble when you both lost your footings. SO cute!

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