Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dim sum with the fam

Dear Matthew
On the weekend we met your nanna, Aunty Chantel, Andrew and Lachlan in Northbridge for dim sum. It was great to get out and about on a lovely summer's day. You of course insisted on using chopsticks and ran around the restaurant enjoying yourself. You were a bit freaked out when I showed you the crabs and lobsters in the tanks but!
Afterwards we headed to Timezone where you were in your element hitting crocodiles' heads!
Before we left we also had ice cream from cold rock which silenced you for a good twenty minutes - you are my ice cream-aholic!
Love you baby boy,
Mum xxx


Belated birthday catch up at Piney Lakes

Dear Matthew,
As your dad and I didn't have parties to celebrate our birthdays, we caught up with our uni friends and their kids on the weekend after we'd gotten back from Singapore down at Piney Lakes in Bateman. It was a lovely catch up and we were grateful the weather was tolerable given that it had been in the 40's practically all week. You loved feeding the ducks, playing with sticks and kicking the soccer ball around with Thatcher, Oliver and Marlow (baby Samuel was also there but at 5 months he wasn't quite ready to join in!).

You loved playing with your monster truck that Thatcher and Marlow got you for Christmas.

I'm again so grateful that we have these wonderful friends in our lives - we are so blessed.
Love you darling,
Mum xxx

My 30th and Grandma's 57th

Dear Matthew,
Last month I entered my fourth decade by turning 30. After so many big celebrations over the last couple of years I decided not to have a party and (given we were heading to Singapore the week after), just wanted some small family get togethers. Which we did, and which we were lovely.
First off, the night before, your nanna and Darryl came over for dinner to celebrate. I loved how captivated your were with the cake they brought- this followed a similar pattern over the next few days :) Singing happy birthday to you is the only way it's done now, regardless of whose birthday it is! It's hilarious (see below for your grandma's face when you're blowing out her candles).

On the big day we went to my favourite Indian restaurant, 7 Spices, with my side of the family and it was a delicious feast!

This is one of my favourite photos of you and me! Look at your beautiful smile!

The next day we had a sewing session and mum's house and I got to have a cuddle with Anna's daughter, baby Rose.

A few days later it was your grandma's birthday and (as she was away that weekend down south playing golf with gramps), we celebrated a few days late with cake.

It was a great week or so of celebrations! Bring on the next birthday so we can watch you try and basically jump at the 'can-nels' to blow them out!

Love you my semi-pyromaniac,

Mum xxx