Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Dear Matthew
To celebrate my 30th birthday (more on that later), your dad, grandma, gramps, aunty Robyn, you and I all travelled to Singapore for a week!
This was your third holiday away/trip on a plane and thankfully you were (again) really good on the plane, although we had to coax you to sit down in your seat and put your seatbelt on during takeoff on the way there by giving you copious amounts of sugar (in the form of lollipops and chocolate) and playing Peppa Pig/drawing with you. When we landed you had to have your own suitcase so grandma gave you her smaller carry on one to use, which you were satisfied with :)

You even managed to make friends in the aisle of the plane! I think you said hello at her level but she wasn't old enough to talk/play yet.

Somehow we managed to find diggers as soon as we popped up from the MRT (train service), much to your excitement.

We visited Gardens by the Bay on the first day, where you loved playing in puddles, hiding in trees and splashing in ponds.

This was in the Cloud Forest, a great enclosure showing how a natural ecosystem can exist and nurture itself on the side of a mountain.

You weren't totally impressed :)

You got drenched in the outdoor water playground nearby and enjoyed playing the amazing children's playground shortly after.

Throughout the trip you loved trying new foods and insisted on using chopsticks after your first encounter with them. You've since insisted on using them at home when we've gone to dim sum too!

We visited the SEA Aquarium which unfortunately you didn't love as much as we'd hoped - I think the sharks initially scared you off it. But you came round - calling the jellyfish 'bubbles' and seemingly enjoying the 'walk-over' exhibits.


We headed back to Gardens by the Bay to visit the Flower Dome which was also very beautiful, and you ran around getting lots of your energy out!

On one of our final days we visited the Botanic Gardens and again you loved running around the beautiful Orchid Garden and parklands, and spotting turtles in the ponds.

Again, making friends in the breakfast room - I love your nature, all you want to do is play with every kids you see!

In Little India on the last day we took a trip on this train- again you were reserved about the experience but I think you secretly loved it!

All in all it was great trip and I'm really grateful to have had the family time together. Singapore is such a wonderful place to visit and you were constantly waved at (a little western boy with almost blonde hair is always going to be popular) and everyone kept saying how cute you were. The people go out of their way to help you and I will always recommend that you travel there should you get the chance. Thanks for being a great little jetsetter - we are looking forward to taking plenty more international trips with you in the future baby boy!
Love you to the moon and back,
Mum xxx

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