Thursday, May 26, 2016

Autumn leaves 2016

Dear Matthew
Well, it is that time again! Time for your yearly photo in the leaves! Grandma and Gramps' tree was shedding again and we *attempted* to get your photo as we have done for every autumn since you were born.
I must admit, it was hard. As you'll see from the photos below, in most you were not happy to lay down and smile for the camera, although I think the day's glare had a bit to do with it.
We managed to get one though, and the three final photos below show how you have grown and changed these last three autumns.
You had a great time playing with Gramps in the leaves though. He'd throw them up with the rake and you'd run around enjoying the leaves raining everywhere. You are divine and your laughter and joy is infectious. Gramps would also shake the tree and you'd watch them fall off together.
Thank you for running in the leaves with me again baby boy.
All my love,
Mum xxx

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