Monday, May 30, 2016

Great-Grandad's 80th

Dear Matthew

The weekend before last we celebrated your great-grandfather's 80th birthday down at his and nanna's house in Mandurah. It was a great opportunity to catch up with my cousins, many of whom I hadn't seen in years, and to meet their children (your first cousins once removed? Or maybe your second or third cousins, I'm not sure).

Coincidentally, many of my cousins also have little boys, so you were in your element having fun with them. In fact, the first six great-grandkids on this side of the family were all boys before the first girl arrived. Crazy! But it meant you had some great new friends and toys to play with.

My favourite part of the lunch was when we sang happy birthday to your great-grandad and four of the oldest boys (including yourself) insisted on helping blow out the candles! It was gorgeous! It was also lovely to hear nanna and grandad talk about their love for each other, without which most of the people at the lunch wouldn't even be alive. Nanna also spoilt you with chocolates despite my best efforts to stop this.

I'm so pleased you have two sets of great-grandparents alive still, hopefully you grow old enough soon to store some memories of them. I know I only have a few odd ones of my great-grandmothers (nanna and grandad's mothers who we called big-nanna and little-nanna) and I treasure them.

Love you little Matthew,

Mum xxx

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