Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ferret racing.... it's a thing!

Dear Matthew

The other week you, your dad, your grandad, Maree and I had a lovely picnic at Jackadder Lake with the dogs, Soda and Beau. It was the most perfect winter's day, so much so that you were dressed in shorts and a t-shirt (something I can't comprehend at the moment given it was 2 degrees this morning and is still freezing at midday).

We enjoyed our lunch and then (oh so slowly) walked around to the playground. We were surprised to see that there were in fact a set of tunnels set up for ferret racing! I didn't even know this was a thing, but you were so intrigued by the ferrets (animal lover that you are), that a lovely lady, who said at once stage she owned up to 50 ferrets, let you pat and cuddle a few of them. I have never seen you happier than when you were cuddling one of them (see the beautiful photos below), despite the fact that at one stage it actually bit you on your neck. You just loved holding it and it was so gorgeous to watch. There were lots of exclamations of 'oh! It's sooooo cute!'.

We then watched the racing and patted a few more before having a play on the playground. We ended the day with a cup of tea at grandad's house before heading home. It was such a lovely day and inspired me to consider a ferret for you in the future should we end up a cat-free house for some reason!

All my love my beautiful boy,

Mum xxx



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