Monday, August 29, 2016

Thursday rituals

Dear Matthew
I have really come to love our Thursdays together. We start the day with playgroup and then we usually head into the city to spend time with your dad (usually having dim sum in the city).
I have really come to enjoy the friendships we have both made at playgroup and you are learning to interact and socialise with some really wonderful kids. You run in the door and start screaming Charlotte's name, telling her to go on the slide with you. You also love the kitchen playset and 'filling' the cars with petrol using the plastic petrol pumps.
You really enjoy dim sum too, especially pork buns! You also get given a balloon which makes you happy.
Here's to keeping this ritual going until you start big school next year.
Love you baby boy,
Mum xxx

Just thought I'd sneak this photo in for good measure too as I love it :) 

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