Thursday, December 8, 2016

Mikayla's 9th birthday party

Dear Matthew
Last Saturday we celebrated your cousin Mikayla's 9th birthday party. She had a disco themed party with about 20 of her friends.
I was expecting you to get a little overwhelmed with all the kids that were at aunty Chantel's place but you didn't, you loved it! So much so that when all the kids filled a plate with food and went and sat on the floor to eat in the playroom, you followed suite! Even better, when they were playing pass the parcel, you were confident enough to plonk yourself down in the middle of the circle (see the photo below)! It was hilarious! You are had a good go at smashing the piñata :)
I remember the day Mikayla was born and can't believe next year she'll be in double digits. The years have certainly flown. It is a timely reminder that every day is precious and to grab every opportunity that comes your way!
Love you my darling boy,
Mum xxx


1 comment:

  1. All the kids look very happy in the pictures. It must have been a very entertaining party. I’m also making arrangements for my son’s birthday celebration which is in a few days. We have arranged the party at a nearby event space. All of my son’s classmates have been invited so there are going to be a lot of kids at the party.
